MX: Day 24
We are winding down our last few days in Mexico City. On Friday we head to the states of Tabasco and Veracruz by the coast. There it will be hot, tropical weather instead of thunder and hail storms. Today it hailed as we walked home from dinner!
It's finals week! I am finished with my Group Therapy class/final and my Critical Issues class/final. I have a few more assignments in Liberation Psychology to turn in and have Spanish classes through Thursday. Then I will get Latam Family Therapy certification!! I am hoping this will help me be prepared for a bilingual internship position when I'm ready to apply in December. I started out in the Intermediate Spanish class the first few days here and then they moved me into the Advanced class with the bilingues who are Mexican, Paraguayan and Salvodorean. I feel so honored and am learning so much!
Here are a few of my classmates: Marlene, Michelle, Claire and Robin. Together we are a cohort of roughly 24, but have also met and befriended some of the Mexican undergraduate students, and the Clinical Psychology grad students based in Mexico.
It has been an incredibly rich experience!
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