What is Love?

Love is deep connection between one being and another (or others). It can be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Of course, I think Love can be all of those things and more simultaneously (if you are lucky). When I have fallen in love and it is in the early romantic, hedonistic stage, I have felt a a magnetic pull almost like a rope tied from my belly to his. It has tethered me, kept me close, comforted and excited me.

Other times when I have felt Love, it has come upon me like a deep-seated satisfaction, a presence representing security, calmness, and the beauty and magnificence of life. It could hit me like a truly relaxed and satiated feeling when doing the most mundane of things (like folding laundry, or walking the dog together) as well as witnessing a major life event like watching our child being born.

I have seen Love be torturous too. When not fully reciprocated or when the attachment is insecure, I have seen people devastated by their unrequited love. The terrible, unmitigated terror of loving someone not worthy of your love or incapable of returning is a sad thing indeed.

Love can be reckless and cruel, or tender and radiant. It can leave you at the depths of despair or at the crest of elation. It is powerful and deeply moving, yet can be as soft as the sun on your face or a whisper against your neck.


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