
Showing posts from February, 2012

What is Love?

Love is deep connection between one being and another (or others). It can be  physical,  mental, emotional or spiritual. Of course, I think Love can be all of those things and more simultaneously (if you are lucky). When I have fallen in love and it is in the early romantic, hedonistic stage, I have felt a a magnetic pull almost like a rope tied from my belly to his. It has tethered me, kept me close, comforted and excited me. Other times when I have felt Love, it has come upon me like a deep-seated satisfaction, a presence representing security, calmness, and the beauty and magnificence of life. It could hit me like a truly relaxed and satiated feeling when doing the most mundane of things (like folding laundry, or walking the dog together) as well as witnessing a major life event like watching our child being born. I have seen Love be torturous too. When not fully reciprocated or when the attachment is insecure, I have seen people devastated by their unrequited love. The ter