What Makes a Good Relationship?

The simplicity of this question belies it's complex nature. I imagine I would be hard pressed to find two people in a relationship who would answer this question in exactly same way. There's a great deal of room to interpret the intrinsic qualities in a good relationship, and certainly people are motivated by different things based on their age, culture, ethnicity, gender identity, political leanings, religious beliefs, and so many other variables. All of that said, I think there are some universal qualities that are common in strong, healthy adult love relationships. Trust It is an amazing thing to find someone who “has your back”. Someone with whom you can share your sordid past, your deepest darkest secrets, your fears, your aspirations and more – without having to worry that this precious and private information will in some way be used against you or shared with others. Being able to rely on someone for support – whether it is emotional, financial, spiritual, or any ot...