Week 8: Lisboa and Sintra

Parque Eduardo VII So far on this trip, Lisboa has been my favorite city. I think it may be too big for me in the long run (500K population), but it is definitely a place I will want to visit and revisit as it has so much to offer. Here there is history, modernity, wonderful scenery and climate, a very cosmopolitan scene and friendly residents. A week was definitely not enough time here but it has given me a sense of what living in Portugal would be like as an ex-pat and one who really would try to immerse myself in local culture. The Portuguese language is an interesting one because even though it is a Romance language with Latin roots, mainland Portuguese (from Portugal) has gone through different linguistic transitions compared to Spanish, French, Italian and Brazilian Portuguese. Portugal is more geographically isolated than its Mediterranean neighbors and so its language has been more resistant to linguistic changes. I found this endlessly interesting and frustrating as I really w...